As a freelancer, you are continuously looking for new opportunities to grow your portfolio and increase your earnings. One little talked about but great avenue is through case study writing. Today, I will essentially tell you my convincing reasons why case study should do your radar and why it elevates the success of your freelance writing career like no other.

What Exactly Is a Case Study?

Case Study — Now, before we jump to the benefits of a case study. At a high level, it is nothing more than an example success story illustrating how your product or service was able to help one of your customers resolve their problem / hit the goals they had set out. It — a storytelling and tangible results-based platform through which you can establish authority among prospective clients.

Here are six highlights why we should accept writing case studies.

1. Straightforward and Engaging

Case studies are also some of the easiest pieces to write. To make a long story short; they work! The same skills you’ve used to write that killer newsletter-article is all it takes. And this is where most people mess up: by not turning the whole pitch into a story that creates an emotional response​ and clearly shows what your product is capable of doing..

2. Concise and Manageable

Case studies can be of 400 to 800 words only. That means you can crank out a case study fairly quickly — and in less time than it would take to actually do the work that your client hired you for! You will definitely be even quicker, the more experience you get and can quickly add use-cases to your repertoire.

3. Standardized Formats

Case studies are one type in a stable of writing, and they have an established pattern more so than most other forms that can be written about. That responsibility is lifted from your shoulders in terms of having a mind-blowing idea or clickbait headline. Instead, just work on learning everything you need for that piece and write a well-structured essay to match.

4. High Demand

Demand of writers for casestudys Case studies have come to be recognized by marketing professionals as some of the most difficult types of writing assignments out there, and many companies that require case study copy simply fall short when it comes to hiring accomplished writers for their projects. It is a HUGE open door for independent authors to move in and fill that hole.

5. Limited Competition

With that demand on the rise, it’s a mystery to me why so few copywriters seem particularly interested in writing case studies. Many people may not realise this is an option, and some others could be under the mistaken impression that case studies are boring… or too technical. The truth is that writing a case study are hero stories, telling them about results of the real world. A lack of competition (so more open doors for you to get those juicy high paying gigs.

6. Lucrative Rates

As direct mail copywriting can get high rates, case studies may not do so well there; but still Case Studies pay beyond your imagination. Seasoned case study writers can make more than an easy $100 per hour. As you establish yourself and your skills/services, you can now demand much more for what you have to offer.

The Basics of Case Study Writing

So now that you are sold on the possibilities of case studies, let’s say — how do I get into this market? Some GET YOU going tips:

  • Read about existing successful case studies in the format and structure
  • Contact your existing clients and ask them if they require content for case studies or not
  • Showcase your case study writing on your website and marketing materials
  • Build relationships with fellow freelancers and marketers to open up new opportunities
  • Always evolve and hone in on your process to provide stellar deliverables

Embrace the Power of Case Studies

Writing case studies offers a great opportunity for freelance writers to add some variation in their income; and write challenging high paying projects. Know the power of case studies, position yourself as a solid B2B case study writer — and enter an exploding market that can skyrocket your freelance writing career. So, what are you waiting for? Begin your foray into the case studies universe and unleash it on writing business.